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Business name:


Phone: (08) 9773 1118

Fax: (08) 9773 1118
Toll free:


RMB 248
Manjimup, WA, WA 6258
Email: info@westernranch.com.au
URL: http://www.westernranch.com.au
Description: Some call it breaking, we prefer starting. It’s all about giving young ones a good start. Teaching them respect and the basics they need for their further education. No matter what prior training a horse has before it comes to our place, we start at the beginning. Do the groundwork first. Depending on what the horse already knows it will move faster through the training steps. We like to give the young horses room to figure things out for themselves. Ask them to do things instead of telling them. Encourage good behavior instead of punishing not wanted behavior. Be strict and fair. We find this makes for confident relaxed horses. Every horse starts with some training on the ground in the round yard. We work on respect and trust. When the horse is comfortable we introduce saddle and bridle. Then a rider. The first steps in walk and trot and the stop are taught in the round yard. When this is under control the next steps are done in the arena. Here the horse will get more control over the walk, trot, lope and back up. We work on suppleness. The horse will get loose and flexible by changing reins, making circles and frequent transitions. While doing this it will learn to accept the riders hand, seat and legs. From here you can work on impulsion, straightness and collection. At the ranch the horse will get familiar with cones, poles and other equipment. It will ride with other horses and dogs around. If the base is established we take the horse into the bush for rides. In the training we try to vary the work. Keep them interested. Give them time to think things over. You are always welcome to come and have a look when we are working with the young stock. Please make an appointment.
Brands: YOY
Operation Hours:
Payment Info: Cash, Cheque
Business Specialty: HORSE BREAKERS

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