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Phone: 08 82605525

Fax: 08 8260 5505
Toll free: 1300 880017


By Appointment
Adelaide, SA, 5000
Email: sales
Description: The modern home is being transformed by technology No longer a simple dwelling for rest and recuperation, the modern family home is now filled with complex technologies for entertainment, comfort and security. For those who wish to be entertained, there are Home Theatre and Multi-room audio systems, for others who work from home there are home networks, broadband Internet and wireless access. These needs have brought an ever-increasing level of technology into the home, each with their own exacting requirements and calling for installation and integration skills beyond those of the general electrician. Most builders and architects find themselves working with more and more individual contractors each specialising in areas with an increasing level of crossover (Communications, Security, MATV, Automation, Audiovisual etc.), a situation that can lead to elements being left out, with one contractor blaming another, or possibly a duplication of services and costs. This scenario typically ends poorly leaving the client unsatisfied with expectations not met and budgets overrun. The solution is a singular technology specialist who can put it all together to achieve the client’s goals and deliver a truly integrated technology package in a cost effective manner. Technology + Intelligent Application + Cost Efficiency = Client Satisfaction HomePlay Electronics “Your Technology Partner”
Brands: Clipsal, Hills, RTI, Speakercraft, Boston Acoustics, NESS, DAS, C-Bus, Canton, Vogels, Ultralift, Screentechnics,
Operation Hours: Mon - Sat 9:00am - 5:00pm
Payment Info: Cash, Cheque, DirectDeposit
Business Specialty: HI FI EQUIPMENT RETAIL

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