- Business Detail


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Phone: 1800 787 616

Fax: 1800 211 551
Toll free: 1800 787 616


Level 5, 9 Sherwood Road
Toowong, QLD, 4066
Email: info@websplash.com.au
URL: http://www.websplash.com.au
Description: Web Splash was established in 2004 by a group of small business people who got tired of listening to geek speak, self appointed marketing gurus, and the thousands of other “big business” BS artists and know it alls who seem to develop websites for a living. What they needed back then was a website company that could design, develop and help them maintain their websites at a realistic price, and that could understand their diverse needs. They needed web technology they could afford to update regularly, and they needed low cost, online marketing strategies that brought new customers to their doors. Thats exactly what Web Splash delivered then and still delivers today.
Operation Hours: Mon To Fri: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Payment Info: Cash, Mastercard, Amex, Diners, Visa, Bankcard
Business Specialty: WEBSITE DESIGN

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