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Phone: (07) 5447 0181

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114 Browns Rd
Belli Park, QLD, 4562
Email: contact@bellbunya.org.au
URL: http://www.bellbunya.org.au
Description: "Experience the beauty and simplicity of the bush, it's surrounds and sounds, with the abundance of birds and wildlife, whilst gazing at the adjacent rolling hills of the Blackall Range's Point Glorious and a backyard of natural forests." With comfortable, extensive accommodation and well-equipped conference facilities, Bellbunya provides an inspirational learning environment within a rural setting that is ideal for:Bellbunya entrance * Group eco-awareness * Sustainable farming and building workshops * Green technology workshops * Community and team-building retreats * Healthy Living and cooking classes * Spiritual retreats and personal awareness * Intimate family gatherings The conference centre is managed by the Bellbunya Community, an ecological and consciously evolving community, established to model ways to create a relocalised and sustainable future. Based in Belli Park on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, we offer rural accommodation with a focus on learning and teaching ecologically sustainable practices, supporting communities and developing personal skills and awareness. We are growing sustainable industries that develop the healthy interplay of relationships with our environment and each other. Our community is aiming to become a “4-bottomline” community that supports (1) personal growth and is (2) socially, (3) economically, (4) environmentally sustainable.
Brands: Sustainability
Operation Hours: Managed by the Bellbunya Community
Payment Info: Cash, PayPal, DirectDeposit
Business Specialty: FUNCTION CENTRES

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