- Business Detail


Business name:


Phone: (02)9569 0034

Fax: (02)9569 0034
Toll free:


Shop 1/529-539 New Canterbury Rd
Dulwich Hill, NSW, 2203
Email: info@thephysiopractice.com.au
URL: http://www.thephysiopractice.com.au
Description: The Physio Practice is a physiotherapy clinic that specialises in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. This means we treat back, neck, nerve, joint and muscle pain or injuries. Also, this means that you will be seen by a physiotherapist called a musculoskeletal physiotherapist. We can help children and adults. At The Physio Practice assessment, treatment and diagnosis is supported by the highest quality scientific research and evidence. The Physio Practice aims for the best, quickest and safest return to work and lifestyle activities by using the most effective methods that the physiotherapy profession has to offer.
Operation Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm Saturday 8am-3pm
Payment Info: Cash, Mastercard, Cheque, Amex, Eftpos, Diners, Visa, Bankcard, DirectDeposit
Business Specialty: PHYSIOTHERAPISTS

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