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Phone: (02) 6282 7216

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1 Savery St
Garran, ACT, 2605
Description: "The Toorak Psychology practice is a private business in inner Melbourne located in the City of Stonnington. The proprietor is Dr. Annie Curtis DPsych; MAPS; Member Australian Psychological Society's College of Counselling and Clinical Psychologists. She has extensive experience in counselling, clinical, psychiatry, and psychotherapeutic setting. Her clients include adolescents, adults, elderly, individuals, and couples. Over the years working in the mental, health, psychiatric, and medical settings, Dr. Curtis has developed an extensive network of mental health professions. This network provides an invaluable liaison and referral source that ensures the best outcome for her valued clients. The mission is to represent, promote and advance psychology within the context of improving individual health and wellbeing and scientific knowledge. The growing business is knowledgeable of the problems that living in a fast paced global society can have on a persons psychological wellbeing. The underlying message of the practice is that, in addition to those individuals with a recognised psychological disorder, psychological services are also appropriate for normal people dealing with normal problems of modern life. Treatment is, however, not open-ended and, in most cases, much can be achieved in a relatively short period of time with regular hourly consultations. Clinical Problems: Dr. Curtis specialises in what is referred to as comorbid"" disorders or problems. This means that a person is experiencing more than one problem concurrently. An example of this may include anxiety/depression, anxiety/alcohol dependency, dementia/depression, chronic back pain/depression. Other areas of clinical specialty include coping with psychosis and chronic mental illness. Counselling Problems: Dr. Curtis sees clients for a range of general and specific life stresses, issues, and problems such as relationship conflict, personality difficulties, motivation/academic performance, life transition, work stress, and terrorism-related distress. Medicare Rebates"
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